Jun 15, 2017
New San Francisco 49'ers Quarterback Coach Rich Scangarello is on the CJ Silas Show talking about the upcoming season for the 49'ners. Also, Holly Teixeira is in the studio talking about the 17 Strong foundation and her late son Ryan Teixeira. Dan Itel from the San Luis Obispo Tribune tells us how the coverage of sports has shifted.
Thanks to all my partners:Dr. Daniel Lapidus & Larry Ackerman, Dr. Brad Kurgis of Kurgis Dermatology, California Fresh Markets, CrossFit Five Cities, Rex Stevens @ The SLO Wellness Center, Costa de Oro Winery, US Cryotherapy, Massage Therapist Diane DiResto @ Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa, Health Warrior Bars, and The Seaside Cafe